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Hispanic Heritage Month - CSJ History (Watch Video)
Mixteco Boy featured on Telemundo (Watch Video)
Hispanic Heritage Month - CSJ History (Watch Video)
Mixteco Boy featured on Telemundo (Watch Video)
After watching the Trump-inspired spectacle on Wednesday, one has to wonder, where did this come from? To be sure, President Trump urged his supporters to go to the Capitol. But this doesn’t explain how a group of overcharged cosplayers – let alone millions of Americans – could be convinced by one man to doubt an election that every institutional process in America validated.
To appreciate what happened on Wednesday, one needs to understand the dynamics behind the gradual descent of millions of Americans into ill-informed voters who now embrace make-believe conspiracies.
CBD is officially in everything now. Is it a wonder ingredient or just another fad?
You don’t have to be a professional designer to appreciate visual balance and beauty.
Individual stories the actual contributions of migrant workers and debunk the prejudices against undocumented workers.